Catholic Cup 2020 Spotlights our Faith

Students gathered to test their knowledge of the Catholic faith in All Saints’ 9th Annual Catholic Cup. Winners of their classroom competitions from grades 4-8 advanced to this final round of The Catholic Cup, an academic-style competition.

As the event emcee, Mr. Tessier posed questions related to Catholic theology and teaching while participants provided answer after answer until the group of contestants came down to just two finalists for the championship round of the competition.

Congratulations to all of our participants and to all of our students who cheered on their classmates.

We want to acknowledge the wonderful work of Mrs. Bill and Mr. Tessier who serve as our faculty coordinators, and extend a very special thank you to the members of our 2019 judging panel:

  • Fr. Ed Guilloux
  • Mrs. Bill
  • Mrs. Sweeney
  • Mr. Kontoes

This uplifting event provides a wonderful way for all of our students, those directly participating and those watching from the audience, to learn and grow in their faith.