Geometry and Math Lab Added in Middle School

Mr. Conroy introduced two exciting new middle school math initiatives to support learning and implement differentiation strategies. Both offer exciting new opportunities for our students. See the video or refer to the transcript below.

VideoChat: Differentiated Learning in Middle School Math (Geometry)


Video Transcript

Hello, All Saints families and welcome to another week.

I’d like to take a few minutes to share with you a couple of thoughts about differentiation at All Saints which means the ways that we strive to meet the diverse needs of learners in our school this year we are launching two new initiatives in support of our math program.

The first is a new Accelerated Math class and this is for us select group of students in sixth grade who meet the diocesan criteria to study the math curriculum two years ahead of their standard program. This means that the sixth graders will study Pre-Algebra, in seventh grade they will study Algebra 1, and in eighth grade high school Geometry. To accomplish this, we are partnering with an organization called Fuel Education which specializes in online learning so the students in this program are already completing modules independently using Chromebooks within their Advanced Math class under the direction of Mrs. Woolfrey, our Advanced Math teacher.

The second program that we’re adding this year is that of a Math Lab. For a number of years, we’ve had a study hall program for students in sixth grade. We’re going to transition so that these students will now have access to Chromebooks during that period of time and they can work on the accelerated math program, strengthening their math skills and becoming enriched in that area.

These are just a couple of ways that we are strengthening our math program and also implementing differentiation strategies to better address the needs of our students.

Have a wonderful week. May God be praised!