Service Activities Throughout Advent

Next week we will begin our annual journey of Advent, a time of preparation for the
celebration of Christ’s birth. Through the years at All Saints we have established
several traditions that help to create a tone of anticipation and waiting as we prepare our hearts to celebrate the coming of our Savior.

Advent Wreath Prayer Services ~ On Monday morning the students will assemble in the Parish Activities Center for a school-wide prayer service highlighting the meaning of the Advent Wreath. During the second and third weeks of Advent, each Monday students will gather around three separate wreaths in each of the wings of the school where they will participate in grade level prayer services.
Sacrament of Reconciliation ~ Each of the students in grades three through eight
have already had an opportunity to encounter Christ in this beautiful Sacrament of
healing and forgiveness during two Penance Services that occurred earlier this week.

Bethany Food Pantry Collection ~ Our theme for the December collection
is “Desserts”. On December 20th, students are invited to bring in dessert items (cake mix, icing mix, cookie mix, brownie mix, pie filling, pie shells, etc.). Items should be able to maintain shelf life and not require refrigeration. Collection of these items will occur in the breezeway during morning arrival after which students from the National Junior  Honor Society will then deliver items to the food pantry.

Saint Gabriel Mission Outreach ~ The National Junior Honor Society will be preparing goodie bags containing candy and a coloring book to be distributed to 200 children after Mass on Christmas Day at St. Gabriel Mission.

Mitten Collection ~ The Peace & Justice Players are sponsoring a collection of mittens for the poor in our community. Students are invited to “lend a hand” by donating a pair or two by January 12.