#GivingTuesday Matching Gift Goal Met

We are thrilled to announce that with your support, our school raised $12,290 on Giving Tuesday, meeting our $10,000 Matching Gift Challenge. The total raised to date for our 2023-2024 Annual Fund including the generous $20,000 gift, is $32, 290.

The goal for this year’s Annual Fund Campaign is $35,000, in support of the following initiatives:

  • Technology Lab Upgrade
    Install upgrades throughout the technology lab to improve and expand technology resources available for students
  • Resource Program Materials
    Purchase standing desks in classrooms for students in our resource program and add document cameras in the classrooms.
  • Learning Tools & Subscriptions (K-8)  
    Support annual subscription services, such as First in Math, Brainpop, etc.

Please see All Saints Annual Fund to show your support today!