AR Home Connect

What is Accelerated Reader Home Connect?

All Saints Catholic School implements a live platform for  the Accelerated Reader program hosted by Renaissance Place. The updated version enhances students access to over 120,000 AR quizzes, whether the book is in the All Saints school library or not. With this version of AR there is a component entitled Home Connect, an internet portal that allows parents to login and view their child’s progress.

Here are a few features of the Home Connect program:

  • Parents view the AR Quizzes their child has taken
  • Parents view all words a child has learned through Vocabulary Practice Quizzes (not all books have Vocabulary Practice Quizzes).
  • Vocabulary words the child missed are clearly marked so you can help your child learn those words.
  • Within Home Connect, parents can access a new online search tool, AR Book Finder, to search for books using various criteria, including author, subject, or reading level.
  • Parents signup to receive emails that reveal results for AR Quizzes and Vocabulary Practice Quizzes.

How do parents access Home Connect? 

As in the past, your child will read an AR book and take a quiz at school.   As a parent/guardian you will be assigned a username and password to connect to a secure website to see how your child is progressing with his/her AR quizzes.

At the beginning of the school year your child will bring home a letter with  their username and password along with the Home Connect website URL.  This is a wonderful tool for parents to monitor and track literacy development.