Parents got a first-hand look at the first grade’s Lego More to Math program in action during a recent STEM demonstration.
Author: Janis DeVore
Mrs. Slovenkay Selected for Catholic Teacher Award
The Prince William Chapter of the Catholic Business Network (PWC-CBN) is honoring outstanding Catholic educators through its first annual PWC-CBN Catholic Teacher Awards Program.
We are pleased to announce that Mrs. Libby Slovenkay, All Saints middle school social studies teacher, has been selected by the Prince William CBN chapter to receive a 2016 Catholic Teacher Award. The award is presented to teachers for excellence in teaching as demonstrated through the creative engagement of students, proven leadership, and a commitment to serving others.
Mrs. Slovenkay will be honored at the March meeting of the Prince William Catholic Business Network to take place on Wednesday, March 2 at Grafton Street Restaurant in Gainesville, VA.
Congratulations, Mrs. Slovenkay, and thank you for your years of dedicated service to our school community!
All Saints Receives Major Gift Donation
We are pleased to share with you the exciting news that All Saints Catholic School has recently received a significant financial contribution from an anonymous donor. The bequest to the school and parish includes the following gifts:
$137,000 to fund the Renovation of Restrooms in the original wing of the school (Grades 2-5 hallway)
$50,000 to Benefit Technology Programs
Consultation with the Diocesan Office of Planning, Construction and Facilities is now underway with the goal of the renovation work being completed during the summer months.
Of the funds allocated for technology, $10,000 will be used for the immediate purchase of a second mobile cart of Chromebooks for the middle school. This will provide students and teachers with greater access to these learning tools and move us along the path toward one-to-one technology use in grades six through eight. The remaining technology funding will be held in reserve as we continue planning for the next phase of technology integration at All Saints.
All Saints Catholic School is most grateful for this generous gift that will benefit our school and students for years to come!
All Saints Pep Rally
All Saints kicks off its CYO basketball season with a Pep Rally showcasing CYO basketball, cheerleading, cross country, track and volleyball.
Robotics Demonstration
Members of the All Saints Robotics Club demonstrate a robot that they recently designed and built.
Christmas Pageants
Pre-Kindergarten Pageant
All Saints annual Pre-Kindergarten Pageant will take place on Monday, December 21 at 10:00 a.m. and 1:15 p.m. in the church.
All Saints Christmas Pageant
The students of Grades K, 1, 4, 5, and 6 will participate in our annual Christmas Pageant, The Living Crèche. Over the last several weeks, the students have been preparing songs in music class to help portray this beautiful story. Please note the following information:
Date: Monday, December 21, 2015
Time: 7:00PM
(Grade K, 1, 4, 5 students report to their homeroom by 6:30PM. Grade 6 report to 6th grade rooms by 6:25PM.)
Place: All Saints Catholic Church
Students in Grades K, 1, 4, and 5 are asked to wear their school uniforms. Some students in Grade 6 will be in costume.
All are welcome to come share in this spirited Christmas event!
Manassas Christmas Parade Float
Once again All Saints Catholic School will host a float in the annual Christmas Parade on Saturday, December 5th in Manassas, VA. Mr. Cooney has been working on the design and construction of the float and it promises to be a beautiful representation of our school community.
For more details about the event, including a permission slip for participation, please see the link that follows below. Parents are asked to forward completed permission slips to the office by Wednesday, December 2nd.
Mr. K Celebrated on Veterans Day
Mr. K, a long-time Senior Mentor and Pearl Harbor survivor, is presented with an eagle plaque by the kindergarten class on Veterans Day.
STEM in the Classroom
First graders work as a team with LEGO® MoreToMath manipulatives to develop hands-on mathematical problem-solving skills.
PE Classes Guided by "Eagle Pride"
Mr. Redman is introducing a new theme in Physical Education (PE) classes this year centered around the idea of Eagle Pride. The new theme will serve several functions. It will be a behavioral signal when students need to stop talking, stop moving, etc. “I am instructing students to be ready for my signal of ‘Eagle,’ explains Mr. Redman, “and they will respond with ‘Pride.’ ”
Eagle Pride will also support lessons in attitude and effort. Instead of being a “chicken that can’t get off the ground,” Mr. Redman encourages students to “have the right attitude which determines your altitude and allows you to soar!”
Mr. Redman’s hand-painted Eagle is currently featured on the PE bulletin board in the gym. He will also be tying in the concept of Eagle Pride with achievements in the new Eagle Pride quarterly PE newsletter.
Go All Saints Eagles!!