2024 Catholic Cup Winners

All Saints students tested their knowledge of the Catholic faith in the 13th Annual Catholic Cup on Monday, January 29. The event kicked off the start of Catholic Schools Week. Winners of previous classroom competitions from grades 4-8 advanced to this final round of the Catholic Cup, an academic-style competition with questions related to Catholic theology and teaching.

Congratulations to our 2024 Catholic Cup winner Quinton V. and to our runner-up, Charlie M. It was a return feat for Quinton, who also won our 2023 competition.

We thank Fr. Daniel Ruewer, Mr. Safian, and Mr. Tessier for serving as judges, Dr. Gross for serving as competition host, and to Mr. Tessier and Dr. Gross for coordinating the event. The Catholic Cup provides a wonderful way for all of our students, those directly participating and those in the audience, to expand and celebrate their knowledge of the faith.