Cafeteria Menu – February 2025
Cafeteria Menu – March 2025
The cafeteria staff promote healthy eating habits and encourage students to eat their fruits and vegetables!
To enhance our management of student lunch accounts, All Saints will continue to use PaySchools, an online lunch payment system. However, effective this school year we will no longer accept checks or cash payments. As in the past, PaySchools will allow you to add money to your child’s account from the convenience of your home or mobile device. In order to utilize this system, you will need to create an account if you have not already done so.
Additionally, here are a couple of changes to our Cafeteria Program which support our commitment to student health and wellness. Students will be charged an additional $3.00 for double entrees. There will be a “special snack day” on which all students in grades K-8 will be allowed to purchase snacks. This will be noted on the monthly menu.
PaySchools Payment Site
Through the website you can now keep track of your student’s lunch account. You are also able to add money online with your credit/debit card or you can link your bank account to your student account. Please note that these online transactions will include a convenience fee. You may log in to or download the app to your smartphone or device. Your child was assigned ID number, which you will use to set up your account. Please refer to the following link for assistance in setting up your account: PaySchools_5-Steps-
Cafeteria Procedures
- When your child has only $20.00 left on his or her monthly lunch account, a note will be sent home or you will receive an email reminder to add money to your student(s) account. If you do not use our online system and need to check the status of your child’s account, please call Mrs. Fleisig, Cafeteria Manager, at 703-368-4400, Ext. 209, Monday through Friday between 8:00 – 10:00 AM.
- If you have a negative balance of $20.00 or more, the system will not allow us to make any further charges. We will advance up to two hot lunches to your child and send you a bill for $5.00 per lunch. If the situation persists for a third day, we will offer the child a bologna and cheese sandwich for that day and send you another bill for $5.00. You will then be contacted to discuss the matter.
- Please make sure your child knows that if he or she has a lunch problem such as a forgotten lunch, no money, etc., he or she should always inform a member of the cafeteria staff about it. If we are notified of the situation, your child will not go hungry.
- If your child has a food allergy, please notify the nurse in writing. This information will then be provided to the cafeteria manager in a confidential manner. While we will exercise reasonable precautions to avoid incidents, your child must be made aware of his/her food allergy and also be told to avoid these foods.
- It is very important that students pre-order their lunches in the morning in the classroom on a daily basis. We rely on these lunch counts to prepare enough food for all of our students. When students fail to pre-order their lunch, we remind them when they come through the line. If this continues to occur, we may need to offer them a sandwich instead of the menu item, especially on our busier lunch days.
- If you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to call the cafeteria at 703-368-4400, ext. 209 between 8:00 -10:00 AM.
We look forward to seeing your child at lunch every day!
Eagle Pride Cafe
As we are always working to improve our cafeteria process, we are continuing with a program that was piloted with our 3-5 graders last spring. We are fully implementing the program in kindergarten through fifth grades this school year. The Eagle PRIDE Cafe will be a positive reinforcement of “restaurant manners” in the cafeteria.
PRIDE stands for: P-Practicing, R-Responsibility, I-in, D-Daily, E-Example The teachers and cafeteria staff will be working closely with students to encourage positive behavior in the cafeteria and earning “Eagle Dollars” as a class. Please see the link to the Cafeteria Expectations. Included is an explanation of the program and student expectations for behavior in the cafeteria. Classes will earn Eagle Dollars together and each week, the top earning class will receive a reward such as extra recess or free draw/talk time. There is no punitive consequence when a class earns zero dollars. It is simply an opportunity for the cafeteria staff and teachers to redirect to the expected behaviors. Again, this system is based on positive reinforcement.
We are very excited for the positive direction the cafeteria is continuing to take this year. The classroom teachers, cafeteria staff, and administration have worked together to review our current cafeteria procedures and made changes together to create the most wholesome and positive learning environment for our students. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me with any questions or concerns.
Eagle Pride Cafe: Cafeteria Expectations