The Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS) framework aims to maximize the use of evidence-based prevention and intervention practices along a multi-tiered continuum that supports the academic, social, emotional, spiritual, and behavioral competence of all students. Together, the All Saints faculty and staff are working to develop a positive, predictable, and safe environment that will promote strong interpersonal relationships with students and between students through teaching, modeling, and encouragement. Students are taught to use relevant and expected social skills for themselves and with others, creating a school climate that is positive, trustworthy, and respectful.

In teaching students expected behaviors:

  • Teachers model or demonstrate the behavior
  • Students practice the behavior
  • Teachers provide feedback
  • Students then continue to refine the expected behavior on an ongoing basis

When multiple attempts at redirecting are not successful, the All Saints faculty and staff have crafted the Student Incident Report as a multi-tiered “continuum.” Parents will be notified through a copy of the Student Incident Report that will be sent home. Together with administration (when necessary), faculty and staff members will implement appropriate supports and disciplinary measures for students.

The following is a brief overview of the three tiers utilized school-wide.

  • Tier 1 – Universal Practices
    These are expected of all students in all environments throughout the school. They establish a predictable, consistent, positive, faith-filled and safe school climate.
  • Tier 2 – Targeted Practices
    These are designed to address student behaviors that need more structure, feedback, instruction, and support than in Tier 1 alone.
  • Tier 3 – Indicated Practices
    These are designed to directly address more challenging student behavior than in Tiers 1 and 2.

The PBIS research-based program will be further strengthened through the integration of our Catholic identity and commitment to virtue formation, distinguishing hallmarks of our school.