Bread of Life Food Drive

“For I was hungry and you gave me food.” – Matthew 25:35

During this Lenten season, we are pleased to announce that All Saints will be hosting its fifth annual Bread of Life Food Drive (BOLD) to benefit the All Saints’ Bethany Food Pantry and Catholic Charities’ St. Lucy Project. We are excited to once again partner with the University of Notre Dame Club of Staten Island on this nationwide food drive.

Here are details about this community service initiative to assist individuals and families in our local community in need of food assistance.

When will the food drive take place?

All Saints Bread of Life Food Drive will run from Monday, March 17 – Friday, March 28, 2025. All Saints students from the National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) will help organize the drive.

Where does the food go?

Almost a quarter of a million people in the Arlington Diocese are “food insecure,” meaning they do not know where their next meal will come from. Our school’s Bread of Life Food Drive will benefit the St. Lucy Project and All Saints’ Bethany Food Pantry to assist families and individuals living within Manassas, Manassas Park and Prince William County.

What can you do to help?

During the drive, your child(ren) can bring in food donations in the morning and leave them in the boxes that will be outside of their classrooms. Donations can also be brought to the All Saints school office (Monday – Thursday) between the hours of 8:00 AM–3:30 PM.

What food should I donate to All Saints Bread of Life Food Drive?

During the first week of the drive, we will be collecting non-perishable food per the chart below. During the second week, we are adding some fresh fruits and vegetables to our collection. Please see the grade level list below:

Grade LevelWeek of March 17Week of March 24
Pre-KindergartenCanned SoupJuice Boxes
KindergartenPastaMac & Cheese
First GradePeanut Butter, JellyRice
Second GradeBrownie/Cookie MixOranges
Third GradeBeans (canned/dried)Carrots
Fourth GradeCanned Meat*Oil
Fifth GradeCereal and OatmealCanned Tomatoes
Sixth GradeCanned VegetablesPeppers
Seventh GradeCanned FruitPotatoes
Eighth GradePasta Sauce (no glass) Onions
Faculty/StaffMaseca Flour/FlourSugar
*Chicken, ham, beef or tuna

The grade level that brings in the most food will enjoy a pizza lunch, courtesy of the All Saints National Junior Honor Society, and a dress-down day. The grade level that donates the second largest amount of food will receive a dress-down day, and third place will receive extra recess.

If you have any questions about our 2024 Bread of Life Food Drive, please contact Mrs. Janis DeVore at

Thank you in advance for your generosity and support of the Bread of Life Food Drive to benefit those in need of food assistance during this Lenten season.

All Saints Bread of Life Campaign – Brochure

Sincere thanks to the University of Notre Dame Club of Staten Island for their continued organizational and logistical support.