School Closings / Inclement Weather

Updated December 2022

In the event of inclement weather, All Saints Catholic School will make an independent decision regarding schedule changes. Per diocesan policy, if school closes unexpectedly for a single day, there will be no academic requirements for that day. If, however, the school will be closed for an extended period due to weather or public health concern, the school will transition to online (eLearning) for the required duration to allow students to meet academic requirements. We will make an independent decision when only severely cold temperatures impact the schedule for Prince William County Public Schools.

All decisions regarding schedule changes, both on those occasions when we follow the county as well as when we make an independent decision, will be announced to the community via SchoolMessenger.

Schools (K-8) shall be in session for 180 days. If during the course of the year, the school uses inclement weather/emergency days, it is necessary for the school to adhere to the following schedule:

The All Saints School calendar includes three days at the close of the year to replace any days lost to inclement weather or other events that might necessitate the closing of school.

Every family is required to have an official Emergency Form on file in the school office, listing persons authorized to pick up a child in case of emergency and authorizing the school to take appropriate action in the event that we cannot reach a parent/guardian. If information on this form changes during the course of the year, it is the parent’s responsibility to provide an update. The name and phone number of the childcare provider should be included. No ill or injured student will be released from school without notifying the family. Unless a student’s life is in danger and/or immediate emergency treatment is necessary, the parent of the pupil will be consulted before any treatment is administered. If an emergency exists, the student will be taken to the hospital by ambulance.

In the event of a school emergency necessitating immediate closing of school and an inability to return to the facility following evacuation, notification will be provided to parents via School Messenger.