CYO Sports

La misión del Ministerio Diocesano de Jóvenes y Jóvenes Adultos de Arlington es organizar programas deportivos a través de sus parroquias miembros para que los jóvenes refuercen los valores católicos que se enseñan en las escuelas parroquiales y en los programas de educación religiosa. Además de fomentar la actividad física saludable, los deportes JCYO están diseñados para fomentar la cooperación, el respeto, la deportividad, la responsabilidad, el liderazgo, la competitividad, la equidad y la cortesía.

Los estudiantes de la Parroquia de Todos los Santos tienen la oportunidad de participar en los siguientes deportes patrocinados por JCYO:

  • Baloncesto (grados 3-8; invierno)
  • Campo a Través / Atletismo (grados 3-8; Otoño y Primavera)
  • Voleibol (grados 3-8; primavera)
  • Los entrenadores mayores de 18 años, para todos los deportes, están certificados por Virtus.

Information about our programs is distributed through this web page and the Parish Bulletin. If you have a question, please contact Chi Young, CYO Sports Director and Basketball Commissioner at

>> Regístrese para los deportes de JCYO

CYO registration for Girls Volleyball is now open through March 9, 2025.

  • Girls in 3rd-8th Grade are eligible to participate. 
  • Practices will be once a week in the All Saints Gym and start March 17.
  • Matches will be on Saturdays and Sundays throughout the Diocese and start April 5.
  • End-of-season tournament will be held in mid-May.
  • Cost is $40 per player.
  • Preseason skills clinic is being planned. Date TBA.

All Saints CYO relies on the volunteerism of parents and members of our All Saints community. If you are interested in coaching volleyball (head or assistant) or if you have any questions about CYO Volleyball, please email Laura Emden, Commissioner for Volleyball, at You must be certified for Diocesan child protection (including VIRTUS™) before working with participants. If you are not, we can help you get the process started. 

CYO registration for Boys & Girls Spring Track & Field is now open through April 1, 2025.

  • Boys and Girls in 3rd-8th Grade are eligible to participate. 
  • Practices will start in mid-March at the Pennington Track. You can still register after practices begin through April 1.
  • The Spring Track & Field Meet will be held in late April/early May.
  • El coste es de 20 dólares por participante. 
  • Please email Ruth Kelly, Commissioner for Track & Field, at, and Hank Konstanty, Assistant Commissioner for Track & Field, at with any questions.

The mission of the Arlington Diocesan Junior Catholic Youth Organization (JCYO) is to organize sports programs through its member parishes for youth to reinforce Catholic values taught in parish schools and religious education programs. In addition to encouraging healthy physical activity, JCYO sports are designed to foster cooperation, respect, sportsmanship, responsibility, leadership, competitiveness, fairness, and courtesy.

If you have a general question, you can email or to connect directly with Chi Young, CYO Sports Director, you can email No child will be denied participation due to financial need. Please email if you would like to discuss options for financial aid.

CYO Sports Registration Link: