Welcome the Pilgrim Virgin Statue Home

One of the beautiful traditions of our school is the Pilgrim Virgin Statue Program whereby families are invited to host one of two statues of Our Lady of Fatima in their home for one week. While the statue is in the home, families are encouraged to pray together part of or the entire Rosary for the intentions of our school as well as their own private intentions. The presence of the Pilgrim Virgin Statue is certain to increase your devotion to Mary and to bring you and your family closer to her Son.

Families who wish to participate in this program may sign up on Track It Forward. (https://www.trackitforward.com/site/935959/event/983843)

Pick up time for the Statues at the front office is before 2:30 PM on Friday (unless otherwise noted) with a return time of before 9:00 AM the following Friday. Please be sure to sign in and out for the Statue in the Visitor Binder at the front desk.

Should you have any questions or would like more information, please contact the Pilgrim Virgin Statue Rotation Coordinator, Mrs. Fuzzy Reynolds or call (703-368-4400).

CYO Basketball Registration


CYO registration for 2024-2025 Boys and Girls Basketball! Registration will be open from September 15 through October 15.  Boys and Girls from both the Parish and the School in 3rd-8th Grade are eligible to participate. 

Practices are one weeknight a week in the All Saints Gym and start November 4. Games are on Saturdays and Sundays throughout the Diocese. There will be 2-3 preseason games in December. Regular season games take place in January and February 2025.

Cost is $75 per player.

There will be a preseason skills clinic for boys on Sunday, October 20, afternoon times to be announced. There will be a preseason skills clinic for girls on Sunday, October 27, afternoon times to be announced.

We are still seeking head and assistant coaches for some grades, especially for 3rd grade. Please email Laurie Short, Assistant Basketball Commissioner, at glshort1@comcast.net, if you are interested in coaching. You must be certified for Diocesan child protection (including VIRTUS™) before working with participants. If you are not, we can help you get the process started. 

The mission of the Arlington Diocesan Junior Catholic Youth Organization (JCYO) is to organize sports programs through its member parishes for youth to reinforce Catholic values taught in parish schools and religious education programs. In addition to encouraging healthy physical activity, JCYO sports are designed to foster cooperation, respect, sportsmanship, responsibility, leadership, competitiveness, fairness, and courtesy.

If you have a general question, you can email jcyosports@allsaintsva.org or to connect directly with Chi Young, CYO Sports Director and Basketball Commissioner, you can email sportsdirector.cyo@allsaintsva.org. No child will be denied participation due to financial need. Please email sportsdirector.cyo@allsaintsva.org if you would like to discuss options for financial aid.

CYO Sports Registration Link: https://reg.sportspilot.com/106526/leagues

Registration will be open from September 15 through October 15.

Carpool Procedures and Bay Assignments

All families have been assigned a carpool number.  This number must be clearly displayed in the front windshield on the driver’s side. Please leave the number on your dash until your child has gotten in the car.
FRONT LOT Parking Assignments – Last Name A – M
  • Bay 2 –All cars will begin in Bay 2 and the car line will continue to either Bay 1 and 3 depending on where you exit.
  • Bay 1 – Park in Bay, 1 if you will exit the school to Stonewall Road
  • Bay 3 – Park in Bay 3, if you will exit the school to Route 28/Center Street
BACK LOT Parking Assignments – Last Name N – Z
  • Bay 16 – All families will park in the back lot and exit to Stonewall Road
  • Carpool – Families who share carpool responsibilities will park in the back lot of the school regardless of last name
    All Saints Carpool - Back Lot

All Saints Catholic School – Carpool Procedures

Información sobre el nuevo software para voluntarios

¡Nos complace anunciar que Track It Forward ya está disponible para inscribirse para el año escolar 2024-2025! A través de su tablero de voluntarios puede inscribirse en oportunidades de voluntariado para completar sus puntos para el próximo año escolar. Through your volunteer dashboard you can sign up for volunteering opportunities to complete your points for the upcoming school year.

Como recordatorio, se espera que cada familia cumpla con 25 puntos por año de acuerdo a nuestro Programa de Corresponsabilidad Familiar. Programa de Administración Familiar.

Por favor, vea las instrucciones para completar la inscripción aquí. Es una forma rápida que le tomará menos de 2 minutos para completar. También hay algunos consejos para navegar por el sitio y encontrar oportunidades de voluntariado. here. It is a quick form that will take you less than 2 minutes to complete. There are also some tips for navigating the site and finding volunteer opportunities.

  • La inscripción debe realizarse a través de un navegador web.
  • Sólo debe realizarse una inscripción por familia.
  • Una vez completada la inscripción, no dudes en descargar la aplicación buscando "Track It Forward" en tu tienda de aplicaciones.

Ya tenemos algunos eventos que necesitan voluntarios, incluyendo la Barbacoa de Regreso a la Escuela y asistentes para la cafetería y el recreo.

If you have any questions or need any assistance, please contact Mrs. Jen Sweiderk at schoolvolunteers@allsaintsva.org.

Programa de Aprendizaje de Verano

La información sobre el Programa de aprendizaje de verano de Todos los Santos se encuentra a continuación. Todas las tareas y actividades se publicarán por nivel de grado y estarán disponibles en formato digital para facilitar el acceso. Habrá tareas de lectura y matemáticas. En un esfuerzo por enfocarnos de manera más efectiva en los niveles de aprendizaje de cada estudiante, las tareas de lectura se diferencian por nivel con las actividades de seguimiento correspondientes. Consulte la página de instrucciones en la carpeta de lectura que explica todo

Después de revisar, si tiene alguna pregunta o desea hablar, no dude en comunicarse con la oficina principal al 703-368-4400.

Summer Learning 2024

Rising Kindergarten

Rising 1st Grade

Rising 2nd Grade

Rising 3rd Grade

Rising 4th Grade

Rising 5th Grade

Rising 6th Grade

Rising 7th Grade

Rising 8th Grade

Pedidos de material escolar

Existen dos formas de adquirir material escolar para el curso 2024-2025:

  1. Compre por su cuenta
    Puedes hacer sus compras por su cuenta utilizando nuestro 2024-2025 School Supply List como su guia.
  2. Compra en línea a través de EPI
    Todos los Santos se complace en ofrecer kits de útiles escolares como una manera conveniente de comprar exactamente lo que su hijo necesita para el aula. Los kits de suministros se entregarán en el aula de su hijo antes del comienzo de las clases. Haga su pedido en línea de forma segura desde ahora hasta el 30 de junio de 2024.
  • Vaya a educationalproducts.com/shoppacks
  • Ingrese la identificación de la escuela, ALL088 (3 letras/ 3 números)
  • Siga las instrucciones para completar su pedido.
  • A los pedidos se les cobrarán impuestos al finalizar la compra.

Tenga en cuenta — Los pedidos no se han finalizado si no recibe una confirmación del pedido. Guarde la confirmación del pedido como recibo.

Recuerde ordenar el nivel de grado del PRÓXIMO año para su estudiante

Estos kits se ajustan a nuestros requisitos escolares para cada grado. Los kits de suministros se entregarán en el aula de su hijo antes del primer día de clase.

Folleto de pedido de útiles escolares de EPI

Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre útiles escolares, comuníquese con Miss Mallon al amallon@allsaintsva.org

Summer Office Hours

The All Saints Catholic School office will be closed during the month of July. The office will reopen on Thursday, August 1 and will be open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM, until the start of the school year.

Should you need to contact school personnel during the summer months, please leave a voicemail (703-368-4400) or contact us via email (schooloffice@allsaintsva.org) and we will return your message.

Job Opportunity: Porter for CYO Sports

Employment Opportunity: Porter for CYO Sports

La misión del Ministerio Diocesano de Jóvenes y Jóvenes Adultos de Arlington es organizar programas deportivos a través de sus parroquias miembros para que los jóvenes refuercen los valores católicos que se enseñan en las escuelas parroquiales y en los programas de educación religiosa. Además de fomentar la actividad física saludable, los deportes JCYO están diseñados para fomentar la cooperación, el respeto, la deportividad, la responsabilidad, el liderazgo, la competitividad, la equidad y la cortesía.

To support our volunteer coaches and to provide better hospitality and security on game days next year, our Executive Team proposed and Fr. Lee approved a new position that will be paid. Part-time position of Porter available for the 2024- 2025 CYO season. The All Saints JCYO Porter will set up and close down the gym before and after basketball and volleyball games. The porter will also manage the door to the gym, assist visitors, and keep the facilities stocked. Plan to start Dec. 7 with nine (9) basketball weekends (both Saturday and Sunday). Volleyball schedule to be determined. Must be at least 18 years old. Pay $15 per hour. Email Rob Tessier, Director of Youth Ministry (rtessier@allsaintsva.org) for more information and to apply.

If you have a general question, you can email jcyosports@allsaintsva.org or connect directly with Chi Young, CYO Sports Director (chiyoungallsaintscyo@gmail.com).

All Saints Band Wins 2 Awards at Festival

Congratulations to members of the All Saints Band on their performance at the Music in the Parks Festival this past Friday at Busch Gardens in Williamsburg, VA. The All Saints Advanced Band performed in competition at Jamestown High School. The judges in the competition were professors from Virginia Commonwealth University and Old Dominion University.  

As a result of their performance, the students attended an awards ceremony in Busch Gardens, where they were awarded two trophies: 1st Place in their Division and the Esprit de Corp Trophy, the “spirit of the festival” award. This award recognizes the participating organization that displays an exemplary attitude of positive support and outstanding personal behavior throughout the festival weekend.

Performance recap scores revealed that our band had been awarded the highest scores at the festival, 93/95 points from each judge. The students and chaperones then enjoyed fun time and lunch at Busch Gardens. Mr. Sokolowski and Mrs. Croson, two lead band parents, organized a wonderful band trip for our students.  

Our band will be performing its Spring Concert tomorrow (Tuesday, May 14) at 2:00 and 7:00 PM in the Parish Activities Center. Come out and support our talented beginner and advanced bands. Our thanks to all of the chaperones for their assistance on the trip, and a special thanks to Mr. Barry Ward for his continued outstanding leadership of the All Saints Band Program.

Race for Education Results!

Thank you, again, for your tremendous support of the 19toAnnual Race for Education! We are so appreciative of your support.

Here is a summary of the results from the event.

Goal: $45,000 | Received to date: $51,550

School-Wide Rewards

  • Dress Down Day for All Students & Mr. Conroy will wear the School Uniform (Tuesday, May 21)
  • Extra Recess for All Students (Date/Time to be Determined by Each Teacher)

Class Level Awards

  • 1erPlace Class with the Most Sponsorships – K1.
    This class will have the honor of “dunking” Father Daniel in a Dunk Tank at 2:00 p.m. on Friday, May 24.  All students, faculty, staff, and parents are invited to the Dunk Tank Event.
  • Runner-Up Class for the Most Sponsorships – PK1 & 3B (Tie)
    Both classes will get to play a game of kickball with Father Daniel!

Race Winners:

The following students were awarded medals for completing the most laps on race day. Medals were awarded to the winners from each race session (Pre-K/K-2nd/3rd-5th/6th-8th).


Brooklyn F. (PK1) 

Sebastian G. (PK1)


Kili S.(1B)

Leigham B. (1A) and Rocco M. (2A)


Kayden T. (4A) and Carolina B. (4A)

Luke B. (4A)

6th – 8th

Lara M. (6A) and Olivia S. (8A)

Connor P. (7B)

Faculty Winners

Mrs. Starrs (6toGrade Homeroom/Middle School Science Teacher)

Dr. Gross (6toGrade Religion Teacher)

High Flier Raffle

The following raffle winners received a $100 VISA gift card.

Erin C. (2B)

Valarie A. (5A)

Addison T. (8B). 

Award for Most Sponsorships

The following students received a $100 VISA gift card.

Martha M. (K1) and Hector M. (PK1)

VIP Carpool Raffle

Congratulations to the Harvill and Reynolds Families.  Look for them at the front of the line during dismissal!

Thank you, Mrs. Ballard and Mrs. Burroughs, for serving as Race Coordinators and for all that you did to make this event such a wonderful success!