Installation Mass — Bishop Michael Burbidge

Today our hearts and prayers are united as Bishop Michael F. Burbidge is installed as the fourth Bishop of the Diocese of Arlington.

I am privileged to be attending the Installation Mass at 2:00 p.m. with two of our eighth grade students, Lily Feltman and Aidan Parker. I am delighted that they will represent our school and that Lily will have the opportunity to be part of a group that will officially congratulate and welcome Bishop Burbidge during the liturgy.

A Live Stream of the Installation Mass will be offered on the Arlington Diocese home page beginning at 2:00 p.m. You can also listen to the Mass Live on the radio at WMET 1160 AM or watch the Mass in its entirety on EWTN at 3:00 p.m.

On the occasion of his Installation, the students have offered many prayers for our new bishop, all of which will be included in a spiritual bouquet to be presented to him at a later date. Please see the link below that includes photos from the spiritual bouquet project and a special message for Bishop Burbidge.

Video: All Saints Welcomes Bishop Burbidge

May God continue to bless Bishop Loverde as he transitions to his retirement and may our new shepherd, Bishop Burbidge, be guided by the Holy Spirit as he begins his leadership of our diocese.

In Christ,

David E. Conroy, Jr.

Thanksgiving Prayer Service & Food Drive Donations

The All Saints Catholic School Annual Thanksgiving Prayer Service will be held on Tuesday, November 22nd at 9:30 am. In collaboration with the parish, we will once again be collecting fresh food to provide sixty families a Thanksgiving dinner through a partnership with the Bethany Food Pantry.

In an effort to evenly distribute our collection among the Thanksgiving meal bags, we are asking for grade-level donations as follows. Through the generosity of our school community in providing the items below, many families will enjoy a beautiful meal on Thanksgiving Day.

Pre-Kindergarten — Cereal (hot or cold)
Kindergarten ——– 1-pound bag of fresh carrots
Grade 1 ————– One bottle of juice or one can of coffee
Grade 2 ————– 5-pound bag of fresh white potatoes
Grade 3 ————– 5-pound bag of fresh sweet potatoes
Grade 4 ————– One fresh butternut or acorn squash
Grade 5 ————– 1 canned ham
Grade 6 ————– 2 cans of fruit
Grade 7 ————– 2 cans of corn
Grade 8 ————– 2 boxes of cake mix with icing or cookie mix

Author Skype Kicks Off Book Fair

Book Scavenger by Jennifer Chambliss BertmanAs a kickoff to our 2016 Book Fair, students in grades 4-8 enjoyed an interactive Author Skype this morning with Jennifer Chambliss Bertman, bestselling author of “Book Scavenger.” In the video below, Jennifer Chambliss Bertman explains the premise of her book.

Our thanks to Mrs. Coyle and Mrs. Geary for making the Author Skype possible and Mr. Tessier for assisting during the event. Our 2016 Book Fair will run from November 14 through 21. Don’t forget to stop by the library for this fun annual event!


Author Ric Colegrove Visits All Saints

Author Ric Colegrove Visits All SaintsAbout 20 All Saints middle school knew they would be enjoying a pizza lunch with librarians Mrs. Coyle and Mrs. Geary to celebrate earning 40+ AR points already this year. What they didn’t know is that they would be joined by a special guest, writer Mr. Ric Colegrove. Author of the pre-teen/teen fantasy book series, The Journey of Rol, Ric Colegrove met with the students to share his first-hand experience as both the writer and illustrator of this fantasy story of adventure and hope.

In the first book of the series, Be: The Journey of Rol, the main character, Rol, is a fourteen-year-old boy who faces a life-determining decision to take an easy path or travel an uncertain route to return to his family.  As detailed on The Journey of Rol website, “Rol is forced to confront internal and external obstacles, learning to rely on his positive attitude, as well as hope, for a successful outcome. Inspiration, values, faith, and thanking God for His blessings are components of this story, as are adventure, humor, and unique characters and challenges.”

The Warrenton-based writer and Holy Trinity parishioner developed the original premise of the book 20 years ago but put it “on the shelf” as he pursued other interests and raised his family with Betty, his wife of 28 years. Colegrove spent a year of intensive writing, proofing, editing, and illustrating to complete the book. Students caught a glimpse of the author’s character development process through his stories of Rol’s sidekicks Kearth and Fhfyrd, who both entertain and antagonize Rol. The character of Rol’s mentor, A. Loysius DeTerrin, owes his first name to Colegrove’s studies of Saint Aloysius Gonzaga.

As an added bonus, Colegrove showed the students the original detailed illustrations he drew for the book. An accomplished artist, Colegrove shared that he is hoping to include more illustrations in the second book in the series, Not Afraid, due to be published in 2017.

Listening to him speak about the writing process, it’s clear that Ric Colegrow experiences great joy as a writer. “I probably have a smile on my face the whole time that I’m writing,” Colegrove noted. He hopes that other would be writers and artists who attended this special author talk will keep putting pen to paper in sharing their stories and creative ideas. As a special gift from Colegrove, each student received a journal as an inspiration to “continue writing, drawing and keeping track of their ideas.”

To find out more about The Journey of Rol and to purchase the first book in the series, please visit Ric Colegrove’s website at Our thanks to Mr. Colegrove for visiting All Saints and sharing his writer’s insights  with our students. We are already looking forward to book two!

A Parent's Guide to Scantron Testing

All Saints is now using Scantron as our standardized testing program.  Rather than administering Terra Nova in the spring, students will complete three shorter series of tests in math, reading and language arts in the fall, winter and spring.  As the testing will take place online, teachers will have access to immediate results and data.  Additionally, as the test is driven by technology, it is adaptive in nature, with each test being customized to the ability of each student.  Administered three times over the course of the year, it will provide data with which the teachers can tailor instruction and measure student growth.

You can find out more by reviewing the Parent Guide to Scantron Testing.

8th Grade Presents Saints Alive!

Saints Alive classroom visitThe stories of the saints were brought to life by members of our 8th grade class as they presented Saints Alive! during our school-wide celebration of All Saints Day.

The event is weeks in the making. Under the direction of Mr. Tessier, All Saints eighth grade students begin by selecting three saints. They do a unique project on two of the saints and a research paper on one. They then write a short biography to present on the saint of their choice. Included in each presentation is information about the saint’s early life and why he or she was made a saint.

As part of the project, student also create an artistic rendering of their saints as an icon to support their report and presentation. This brought together faith and art as All Saints Art Teacher Mrs. Blair assisted the eighth grade students in creating meaningful icons.

Students and families attending Saints Alive! get a first-hand look at the saints’ inspiring life stories and gain insight into the challenges faced by each saint in the practice of their faith. Saints Alive! also does a traveling show as members of the 8th grade class go classroom-to-classroom sharing the stories of their saints.

“Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ” (1 Cor 11:1)

Almuerzo de Acción de Gracias

One of our cherished traditions at All Saints is the annual Thanksgiving Luncheon, a special meal prepared by the kitchen staff for students, parents, faculty & staff.  In an effort to accommodate all of the families who attend and to reduce wait time, we will again be hosting four lunch seatings this year.  The schedule for the Thanksgiving Luncheon is as follows:

11:00-11:40     Grades 6-8
11:40-12:20     Grades 4-5
12:20-1:00       Grades 2-3
1:00-1:40         Grades K-1

The arrival process will be the same as prior years with parents reporting directly to their son/daughter’s classroom.  There, they will wait with their children, and when called by grade level, report to the cafeteria via the Father Kelley Wing.

So that the kitchen staff may begin planning for the event, please be sure to return your Thanksgiving Luncheon Order Form no later than Thursday, November 17to.  We do hope that you will join us for this Thanksgiving tradition!

Junior Achievement Volunteers Needed

Junior Achievement Volunteers Needed
Good morning! This year Junior Achievement’s “season” is from October through April.  We’re hoping that if it wasn’t a good fit in previous years then this change can make the program more available than it was before.  Classes that currently do not have a volunteer are: K1, K2, 2B, 6B, 8A and 8B.  Schedules are coordinated between the volunteer and the teacher so you can choose which dates and times work for your and your teacher.  There is a great deal of flexibility between now and April so while we may be in the middle of multiple extracurricular commitments already (fall sports, etc), you can sign up now for class dates during a less stressful time. In you are interested, please feel free to contact me through any of the methods below.  Thank you very much for your consideration and I hope that everyone has a great day! 571-264-6040.

Take Our Online Bullying Survey

Through the Virtue Program and the full integration of our faith across the curriculum, students at All Saints are encouraged to develop habits of respect, kindness, and compassion.  Over the course of years, these traits become part of the fabric of our students’ lives.  Nevertheless, it is vitally important that we explicitly remind our students of the dangers and consequences of bullying.

In accordance with our school and diocesan policy, this week I would like to invite all parents to participate in an anonymous, online survey for the purpose of assessing the level of bullying at All Saints Catholic School.  We estimate that it should take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete the survey.  Students in grades 3-8 will complete a corresponding survey during their computer class.

Parents are asked to complete the survey by Friday, November 4to.  In advance, we thank you for your participation in our efforts to both assess our current climate and to establish benchmarks for future reference.

Ambassador Program

The All Saints Ambassador Program is a leadership opportunity for 2nd-8to grade students to promote peer to peer reporting of bullying behaviors on campus.  Ambassadors are trained to help students “get the help” they need if they are being bullied.  They are trained to look and listen: look for bullying situations and get help from an adult and listen to their peers who may need help.

A flyer will be sent home explaining how to apply for those students who are interested in participating in the Ambassador Program.  There will be monthly meetings and students will lead and participate in anti-bullying week activities in the spring. Should you have any questions about the program, please contact Mrs. Angela Slater, School Counselor, at 703-368-4400 (Ext. 213) or at