PTO Family BINGO Night – October 16

The PTO is excited to be hosting a Family Bingo night on Saturday, October 16to at 7:00 pm in the PAC.  Cost is $5 per person for ten bingo games.  Small prizes will be offered for each of the ten games.

Please use the flyer below to pre-order your Bingo cards and daubers.

Pre-Orders are strongly encouraged and are due by Wednesday October 13to.   See the attached order form.

Family Bingo Night – Order Form

PTO News & Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer News
One of the great aspects of All Saints School is the outstanding relationship between the PTO and the school and the support that the PTO provides to the school’s administration, teachers and staff. This relationship not only helps the school fulfill its mission; it also provides school families with valuable opportunities to gain insight into how wonderful our school is. We are extremely grateful for this valuable relationship and for the tremendous support that our school families provide to the school.

  • Celebration Station
    Thank you so much for the amazing support for the Celebration Station. As soon as the items are listed, families sign up for them and they are filled! We restock this free snack bar for the All Saints teachers and staff every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Please remember to send your send donations into the front office labeled “Celebration Station” on Monday morning of the week you signed up for so that we have the supplies to restock. If there’s a holiday on Monday or you forget the item, please send it in the next school day. Thank you so much for your support. The teachers and staff greatly appreciate it!
  • In-person Volunteer Opportunity
    Our awesome teachers are very busy teaching the students. They spend many hours before and after school doing lesson plans, grading papers, and preparing materials. On Thursday, September 23rd, the PTO is sponsoring a Helping Hands volunteer event during the school day in the Parish Activity Center (PAC) to do little projects for the teachers to help them out. Potential projects may include cutting, sorting, organizing, tearing workbook pages from books, creating fidgets, etc.Volunteers are asked to sign in at the front office, wear face masks, maintain social distancing, and do not need to be VIRTUS certified. Small children may be brought to this event, but parents are responsible for keeping their own children supervised and content. If you’re interested in volunteering, please sign up using Help Counter. Questions? Please contact Holly Crocker at Thank you in advance for helping our wonderful teachers and staff!
  • Teacher’s Wish List
    Occasionally the teachers or staff need items not covered in the school budget. They send their requests to Mr. Conroy who approves them for the Teacher’s Wish List and they are posted on Help Counter. The items are listed on Help Counter with sufficient time for families to sign up for the item; however, the teachers could use them as soon as they are purchased. Please send items directly into the classroom or through the front office with the class name, if you prefer to remain anonymous.
  • Log Your Shares
    All volunteer activities whether in-person or donating items earn families “shares”. Each family is asked to earn 25 “shares” this school year. Please remember to save your receipts and log your earned “shares” into Help Counter. Help Counter. 1 “share” is equal to 1 hour of volunteer work, 1 baked good or $15 of merchandise. Each family is asked to complete 25 shares during this academic year. Thank you so much for supporting our school!

All Saints Announces 2021-2022 Reopening Plan

All Saints is excited for the start of the 2021-2022 school year with K-8 students beginning on Monday, August 23 and our Pre-Kindergarten students joining us on Monday, August 30.  Below is a link to our Reopening Plan that will serve as a baseline, allowing us to increase or decrease the level of mitigation strategies necessary in response to key metrics.

Please note that the Virginia State Public Health Commissioner issued an Order of Public Health Emergency on Thursday, August 12, 2021, applicable to all K-12 public and private schools in the state. For this reason, the Reopening Plan for the 2021-2022 academic year at All Saints Catholic School has been revised to include the following:

Face Masks – In accordance with the State Public Health Commissioner’s Order, effective August 12, 2021, all individuals aged two and older are required to wear masks when indoors at All Saints Catholic School, as recommended and described by the CDC. The indoor mask requirement applies to all students, employees and visitors, regardless of vaccination statusExceptions to the Order include: Individuals who are eating or drinking; exercising; or playing a musical instrument (e.g. wind or brass instrument) so long as at least six feet of physical distance can be maintained from other persons.

The mask requirement shall remain in effect until the CDC guidelines for K-12 schools change, unless the Order is sooner amended or rescinded.

All Saints Catholic School – Reopening Plan (2021-2022)

School Band Program: 2021-2022

All Saints Band Calendar and Information for 2021-2022

Start of the school year: 2021

  • Tuesday, August 31 – Demonstration of instruments to fourth and fifth grade
  • Tuesday, September 7 – Band Registration Night for Parents/Students at All Saints at 6:45 PM
  • Tuesday, September 14 – Beginner and Advanced Lessons Start – Please bring instruments and music to school

All band lessons will be held every Tuesday throughout the year (if school is in session). Please bring instruments and music on Tuesdays.

All student musicians must be registered with the Garwood Whaley Music Program to take lessons.

Lead Band Parent
This position for the 2021-2022 school year is currently open. Please contact Mr. Ward to find out more. Serving in this capacity will provide you with volunteer school hours.

Band Director is:  Mr. Barry Ward

Instrument rental program through Music and Arts Stores.

Instrumental music instruction is available for your son or daughter next year at All Saints Catholic School. Classes are offered during the regular school day and Zoom classes may now be used to supplement missed days during the year. The child who learns to play an instrument learns discipline, cooperation with others, and a new way to a fuller, richer life. Playing an instrument automatically places him or her in worthwhile school activities, it gives something interesting to do, and is a pleasurable use of time.

The beginner band is comprised of the following instruments: Flute, Clarinet, Alto Sax, Trumpet, Trombone, Baritone and Drums. However, the advanced band looks to spread out instrumentation with bass clarinet, tenor sax, and tuba, and these instruments may be available to students from the band. The Garwood Whaley Music Program is a local organization which has offered contracted music instruction at All Saints for many years. Our band director is Mr. Barry Ward, who is an original starting director with the program with over 40 years of experience. Also included in this program are written evaluations, performances at school and away, band music, and the opportunity to perform in both the Diocesan Band Festival and the Honor Bands.

Our overall Program was selected as the official program of instrumental music instruction for the Diocese of Arlington Schools in 1979. The program is staffed by full and part-time teachers with degrees in performance and music education. The Program is supervised by Mr.  Barry Ward, who has experience working with elementary schools throughout the diocese, and a retired assistant director from  Bishop Ireton High School in Alexandria. Mr. Ward’s diverse background as a performer and teachermakes him uniquely qualified to teach and supervise. He has published a number of educational articles, and composed and published music pieces through C. Alan Publications.

Our school’s band program has earned many honors, and in a sense, too many to list. Of course, the program is presently regenerating itself after this Covid year where there was both in-school and online lessons. If you are interested, we urge you to attend a registration / instrument rental meeting in September. More immediate questions can be directed to Mr. Ward at If the interest exists, give your child all the possible support and assurance by attending the meeting at school. Enroll your child next year in our band program!

5 Days Per Week In-Person Learning – Fall 2021

A Message from our Principal Mr. David Conroy, Jr.

As we approach the close of the school year, I wish to share with you an update regarding our plans for the 2021-2022 academic year.

I am pleased to announce that All Saints Catholic School will offer five days of in-person instruction per week for students in grades PK-8 beginning in the fall. We are confident that this change will produce academic gains for our students and, equally important, support their social and emotional growth. While we are mindful that it may be necessary to adjust our instructional plan in response to health concerns or trends that might occur in the year ahead, our traditional school schedule will serve as the baseline beginning in August.

At this time, it is difficult to determine the extent to which health mitigation strategies, such as the wearing of masks, will be necessary in the fall. State level mandates as well as guidance from our local health department and the diocese will as always inform our planning in this regard. Please know that I will continue to provide updates as changes occur and decisions are made for the 2021-2022 academic year.

Over the course of the past couple of months, the number of students participating in the 100% virtual model has been decreasing, particularly following the announcement of the increase to four days per week of in-person instruction for grades 3-8 beginning April 12. In acknowledgement of this diminishing demand and recognizing the complexity of offering concurrent instruction, we are anticipating that we will phase out the 100% virtual model at the end of this school year. Prior to making a final decision, we will be sending a survey to those families who have opted for their children to continue with virtual learning following the Easter holiday. Once we have reviewed the data and are in a position to finalize our decision, I will provide an update to the community at large.

Race for Education Results

We are so pleased to share that we have raised $32,821 through our 2021 Carrera por la Educación!  We are so grateful for your generous support and participation in our largest fundraiser of the year.

The following is a list of the awards announced at yesterday’s student assembly.

  • Dress Down Day for All Students – Tuesday, June 1
  • Shaved Ice for All Students (Capital Snow Truck) – Tuesday, June 1
  • Chick-fil-A Lunch for K2 – Wednesday, June 2
  • Movie & Popcorn Parties – Tuesday, June 8 (Note: The Kindergarten and 8to grade classes will enjoy a movie and popcorn on an earlier day selected by their teachers.)
  • Winners of the $25 Gift Card Drawings – Alistair H. (K2), Thomas M. (5B), & Abby W. (7B)

I wish to thank Mrs. Burroughs and Mrs. Ballard for their wonderful leadership of the Race for Education.  With a strong commitment and a creative approach, they organized a highly successful event for our community, even during this challenging year.

Congratulations to all of our students and thank you for your support of this year’s Race for Education!

In Christ,

David E. Conroy, Jr.

Mrs. Horgan to Speak at National Conference

We are pleased to announce that Mrs. Horgan has been selected to serve as a program speaker at the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) Annual Conference, April 6-8, 2021. Mrs. Horgan will be co-presenting with a former colleague on two exciting topics:

  • Tech-sploration: Integrated Technology Projects for K-5:
    Participants will discover new methodologies for integrating technology into the classroom. The presentation will delve into the world of website creation, robotics, stop-motion animation, photo-editing, Chromebook potential, and so much more! Participants will also be introduced to the concept of digital portfolios and guidance will be shared for implementation in your own school.
  • STREAM Infused Literacy:
    Participants will discover how to use read-aloud books, stories, and independent texts to infuse STREAM (Science, Technology, Religion, Engineering, Art, Math) lessons for the K-12 classroom. Sample units for various grade levels and guidance for creating similar units will be provided. Participants will be encouraged to share their STREAM ideas on a collaborative document that can be accessed after the completed session.

We wish to congratulate Mrs. Horgan on her selection and thank her for willingness to share her knowledge on these topics with Catholic school teachers from around the country.