Helping Hands – September 29

In Person Volunteering Opportunity 

Our awesome teachers are very busy teaching the students. They spend many hours before and after school doing lesson plans, grading papers, and preparing materials. To assist the teachers, the PTO is sponsoring a “Helping Hands” volunteer event during the school day in the Parish Activity Center (PAC) to do little projects for the teachers. Potential projects may include cutting, sorting, organizing, tearing workbook pages from books, creating fidgets, etc. We provide coffee, water, snacks, and a great opportunity to meet other parents. Please note the date has been moved – the new date is Thursday, September 29th.

Volunteers are asked to sign in at the front office and do not need to be VIRTUS certified.  If you’re interested in volunteering, please sign up using Help Counter or just show up on that day! Questions? Please contact Sharon Storey at Thank you in advance for helping our wonderful teachers and staff!


Oportunidad de voluntariado en persona

Nuestros increíbles profesores están muy ocupados enseñando a los estudiantes. Ellos pasan muchas horas antes y después de la escuela haciendo planes de lecciones, calificando trabajos, y preparando materiales. Para ayudar a los maestros, el PTO está patrocinando un evento de voluntarios “Helping Hands” durante el día escolar en el Centro de Actividades de la Parroquia (PAC) para hacer pequeños proyectos para los maestros. Los proyectos potenciales pueden incluir cortar, clasificar, organizar, arrancar páginas de libros, crear fidgets, etc. Proporcionamos café, agua, bocadillos, y una gran oportunidad para conocer a otros padres. Por favor, tenga en cuenta que la fecha ha sido cambiada – la nueva fecha es el jueves 29 de septiembre.

Los voluntarios deben registrarse en la oficina principal y no necesitan ser certificados por VIRTUS.  Si está interesado en ser voluntario, por favor inscríbase en el mostrador de ayuda o simplemente preséntese ese día. ¿Preguntas? Por favor, póngase en contacto con Sharon Storey en ¡Gracias de antemano por ayudar a nuestros maravillosos maestros y personal!

Cafeteria Hot Lunch Program

As announced earlier in the summer and in response to parent feedback via the interest survey conducted during the spring, we are pleased to confirm that the cafeteria program will re-open and provide food service for students, faculty, and staff in the new year. We are delighted to welcome back Mrs. Floribel Fleisig (Cafeteria Supervisor), Mrs. Myriam Slaiby (Kitchen Assistant), and Mrs. Letty Gutierrez (Kitchen Assistant). It is a great blessing for our school that all three members of the team are able to return to restart a program that has been such a beloved tradition at All Saints.

Sitio de pago de PaySchools
A través del sitio web, ahora puede realizar un seguimiento de la cuenta de almuerzo de su estudiante. También puede agregar dinero en línea con su tarjeta de crédito/débito o puede vincular su cuenta bancaria a su cuenta de estudiante. Tenga en cuenta que estas transacciones en línea incluirán una tarifa de conveniencia.
Puede iniciar sesión en o descargue la aplicación en su teléfono inteligente o dispositivo. A su hijo se le asignó un número de identificación, que utilizará para configurar su cuenta. Consulte el siguiente enlace para obtener ayuda para configurar su cuenta: PaySchools_5-Steps-to-create-PSC-account.pdf.

Cafeteria Menu – September 2022 

2022-2023 School Theme Announced

At the beginning of each academic year, All Saints announces a theme that further unites us as a faith community and that provides a daily focus for all of our efforts.  I am pleased to share with you the theme for the 2022-2023 school year.

Mi espíritu se regocija en Dios, mi Salvador

These words of the Blessed Virgin Mary, taken from the Gospel of Luke, are aligned with the second year of preparation for the diocesan celebration of the 50to Anniversary Jubilee.  It is Mary who is the Model Disciple who shows us how to the receive the Word and to bear the Word to the world.  As we enter into the second year of preparation later this fall, it is a time for us to rejoice in the vitality of our diocese as well as the vibrancy of our school community.  I pray that this theme will be a source of inspiration for you and your families throughout this academic year.

More information about the preparation for the Diocesan Golden Jubilee can be found at the link below.

Carpool Procedures and Bay Assignments

Please see the link below for a written description and accompanying visual aid designed to provide you with an overview of the All Saints Catholic School Carpool System. The main focus of the procedures that we have set in place is to maintain an arrival and dismissal system that is safe for students, and is also efficient and courteous to the parish and school community, and our surrounding neighbors.

After reviewing the procedures, please let us know if you have any questions by contacting Assistant Principal Ashton Mallon at 

All Saints Catholic School – Carpool Procedures

Important Information to Volunteer at All Saints

Verificación de Antecedentes - Pólizas para Padres Voluntarios de la Escuela
Como parte de la iniciativa diocesana para mantener un entorno seguro para todos nuestros niños, todos los voluntarios de la escuela deben completar una verificación de antecedentes antes de trabajar en la escuela y completar la capacitación VIRTUS dentro de los 45 días posteriores a la presentación de la solicitud de verificación de antecedentes.

De acuerdo con la póliza diocesana, no se requiere el cumplimiento total de un padre voluntario adulto para los eventos abiertos. (Un evento abierto es aquel que está abierto al público, es poco frecuente y se publicita, como el Día de Juegos, los conciertos y los eventos/asambleas especiales). Sin embargo, se requiere el cumplimiento total de los padres voluntarios adultos que deseen participar en eventos cerrados. (Un evento cerrado es aquel que no está completamente abierto al público en general, como actividades en el salón de clases, fiestas, excursiones, etc.) Por esta razón, todos los padres que deseen asistir a excursiones o ser voluntarios en apoyo de las actividades del salón de clases deben complete el proceso de verificación de antecedentes y asista a la capacitación de VIRTUS.

La solicitud en línea para la verificación de antecedentes diocesanos se puede encontrar en el siguiente enlace:

Para registrarse en la capacitación VIRTUS que se lleva a cabo en las parroquias y escuelas de nuestra diócesis, siga el enlace a continuación.

First Days of School

The first day of school for students in kindergarten through eighth grade is Wednesday, August 24, with dismissal at noon.  Dismissal for grades 1-8 will be at 3:00 PM for the remainder of the week.  However, the Kindergarten program will dismiss at noon for the first three days of school, August 24-26. The first day of school for Pre-Kindergarten will be Monday, August 29, with a noon dismissal for the first week.

School Supply List

There are two ways to purchase school supplies for the 2022-2023 school year:

    1. Compre por su cuenta
      Puedes hacer sus compras por su cuenta utilizando nuestro 2022-2023 School Supply List como su guia.
    2. Purchase online through EPI – Deadline June 30th
      All Saints is pleased to offer school supply kits as a convenient way to purchase exactly what your child needs for the classroom. Supply kits will be delivered to your child’s classroom prior to the start of school. Order securely online starting now through June 30, 2022.

EPI Pricing Information

      • Vaya a
      • Ingrese la identificación de la escuela, ALL088 (3 letras/ 3 números)
      • Siga las instrucciones para completar su pedido.
      • Keep your online confirmation as your receipt.
      • A los pedidos se les cobrarán impuestos al finalizar la compra.

Additional Notes

  • EPI Orders have not been finalized if you do not receive an order confirmation. Please save the order confirmation as your receipt.
  • Pre-K kit INCLUDES Tote Bag and will be supplied by school.
  • Kindergarten kit INCLUDES Seat Sack and will be supplied by school.
  • Grade 3 should purchase flash cards as needed separately. Make sure to add the kit.
  • Middle School al-a-carte items may be purchased separately as needed for students.

Recuerde ordenar el nivel de grado del PRÓXIMO año para su estudiante

If you have any questions about school supplies, please contact Mrs. Mary Rodriguez at

Eighth Grade Graduation – June 3

Plans are in place for what will be a beautiful celebration of the success of our 8th grade students. The following is a schedule of special events planned for Eighth Grade Graduation for the Class of 2022 on June 3, 2022.

Pass-it-On Ceremony (Church/9:30 AM)
The students will gather in the church at 9:30 AM, to observe the Pass-it-On Ceremony, an annual tradition and prayer service during which the 8th grade students “pass on” their leadership role to the rising 7th grade class as symbolized by the handing on of the 8th grade honor medals.

Graduation Breakfast (Father Kelly Hall/10:00 AM)
This graduates-only event is a tradition during which the students will enjoy breakfast served by the pastor, school administration, and 8th grade teachers. At the conclusion of the meal, memories will be shared, gifts presented, and final report cards distributed to the students.

8th Grade Walk of Honor (Courtyard/11:00 AM)
Following the breakfast, the graduates will process individually from Father Kelly Hall while all of the students in grades K-7 line the hallways and applaud each one as they exit the building for the final time as students.

Graduation Mass & Ceremony (Church/4:00 PM)
All school families and members of our community are cordially invited to attend the Graduation Mass & Ceremony, followed by a reception in the Parish Activities Center.

Important Reminder:
As Graduation will begin at 4:00 PM on Friday, June 3, school will dismiss at noon for students in grades K-7. Extended Day services will remain available.

Race for Education Results

It was wonderful to see so many of you at the Race for Education and we are so grateful for all of the support that you provided during the event.
Thank you to those in our community who provided financial contributions and who encouraged family and friends to support the effort.  With the receipt of a $2,000 gift last evening, I am excited to share with you that we crossed the “finish line” of our initial goal of $33,000.  Thank you for your generous support!
Congratulations to the Alexander and Harvill Families, the recipients of the VIP Carpool raffle.  Look for them at the front of the line during dismissal beginning on Monday!
I want to specifically thank Mrs. Laura Burroughs and Mrs. Kelly Ballard for serving as the event coordinators.  They invested countless hours in organizing and creatively promoting the Race, the result of which was a wonderful community-builder and highly successful fundraiser for our school.
On behalf of the faculty, staff, and students of All Saints Catholic School, thank you for your support of the 2022 Race for Education!
In Christ,
David E. Conroy, Jr.

Estimados padres y tutores,
Fue maravilloso ver a tantos de ustedes en la Carrera por la Educación ayer y estamos muy agradecidos por todo el apoyo que brindaron durante el evento.
Gracias a aquellos en nuestra comunidad que brindaron contribuciones financieras y alentaron a familiares y amigos a apoyar el esfuerzo. Con un regalo de $2,000 recibido anoche, me complace compartir con ustedes que cruzamos la “línea de meta” de nuestra meta inicial de $33,000. ¡Gracias por su generoso apoyo!
Felicitaciones a las familias Alexander y Harvill, los ganadores de la rifa VIP Carpool. ¡Busquelos al frente de la fila durante la salida a partir del lunes!
Quiero agradecer específicamente a la Sra. Laura Burroughs y la Sra. Kelly Ballard por servir como coordinadora del evento. Invirtieron innumerables horas en la organización y promoción creativa de la Carrera, cuyo resultado fue un maravilloso constructor de comunidad y una recaudación de fondos muy exitosa para nuestra escuela
En nombre de la facultad, el personal y los estudiantes de la Escuela Católica Todos los Santos, Gracias por su apoyo a la Carrera por la Educación 2022!
En Cristo,
David E. Conroy, Jr.