Shoes Donated to House of Mercy

Last night students and parents gathered for our tradition of the Evening with St.
Nicholas Prayer Service which was followed by a reception in the Parish Activities
Center. Through music, readings and prayer, the children had an opportunity to learn
more about the life and legacy of St. Nicholas, culminating in their presentation of 75
pairs of shoes at the foot of the altar. All of the shoes collected during the event have
been donated to House of Mercy to benefit the needy in our local community.

Thank you Mrs. Roccograndi, for once again organizing this meaningful event for our
community. I also wish to thank the members of the Schola who led the music under
the direction of Miss McPhilamy; Vincent Olivera for providing beautiful background
piano music for the reception; Mrs. Cole for transporting the donations to House of
Mercy; and the volunteer parents who assisted with the many details surrounding the
reception. It was a wonderful event, both festive and prayerful, that captured the spirit
of Advent.

Order Your 60th Anniversary T-Shirt

6to Anniversary Spirit Shirts
Due to the popularity of the 60th Anniversary spirit shirts, we will be placing one final order.  If you are interested, please return the form linked at the end of today’s newsletter to your child’s homeroom teacher by October 13.  Forms may also be emailed to Kristi Hernandez at

60th Anniversary T-Shirt Order Form – Order by October 13

Title I Update

Title I is a federally funded initiative that provides services to benefit students in the elementary grades who are not yet showing mastery in math and/or reading.  In order to qualify for the program, students must be residents of the City of Manassas or live within the jurisdiction of a Title I zoned school in Prince William County and meet specific academic criteria.

Due to a change in schedules and assignments through Title I, Mrs. Pam Beckner will take the place of Mrs. Darianella Baret who was to have been our Title I teacher this year.  Welcome, Mrs. Beckner!

Mrs. Beckner and the faculty are finishing the referral process for students who meet the program criteria.  As we focus on differentiation in all of our classrooms, Title I continues to be a highly effective program for us in that it specifically targets the learning needs of students.  Should you have any questions about this program or your child’s eligibility, please do not hesitate to contact the office for more information.

2017-18 School Theme Announced

Our theme for this year is “Live as children of light, for light produces every kind of goodness, righteousness and truth.”  Taken from St. Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians, this scriptural reference provides us with a daily reminder and invitation to live our lives in accordance with the Gospel message.

During our opening of the school year assembly on Tuesday morning, I asked the students, “Who is the light?”  Before I had the opportunity to call on one of the children, a kindergarten cried out enthusiastically, “Jesus.” Isn’t it ironic that with the entire school community gathered, it was one of the youngest who simply wasn’t able to contain his exuberance.  Yet that is how we are called to respond to the love and presence of God in our lives – with a profound sense of gratitude and awe that compels us to share the story with others.  And this is what makes a Catholic school environment so entirely unique, for it is a place where the children encounter Christ each day and are inspired to share the light of His truth.

Thank you for choosing All Saints for your family.  We are delighted that you are part of our community and look forward to a year of abundant blessings for our students and community!

Middle School Introduces One-to-One Device Program

All Saints is pleased to announce that we will transition to a one-to-one device program in the middle school beginning in the 2017-2018 academic year. Students in the program will have access to a Chromebook for their use throughout the school day and at home.

As announced at the parent meeting in May, this initiative will provide each of the students in grades six through eight with access to a Chromebook. This advancement will enable us to increase technology integration across the curriculum and expand our commitment to differentiation of learning.

What do we need to know at this time?

During the 2017-2018 academic year, all 6th & 7th grade students will receive a new Chromebook for use both at school and home. Students in 8th grade will have access to the mobile cart of Chromebooks during the school day.

The Chromebooks for 6th & 7th grade will be made available on a “lease to own” model. Parents will pay an annual fee during August and retain the device upon graduation. The fee for the first two years will be $125 with a smaller fee of $100 during the 8th grade year.

What are the next steps?

During the month of July, I will forward to all middle school parents copies of the Technology Acceptable Use Policy Handbook & Agreement, the Student/Parent Chromebook Technology Use and Support Fee Agreement, and the Chromebook Sign-Off and Pledge.

The $125 fee and corresponding forms will be due on Orientation Day, August 25th. The Chromebooks will be distributed to students during the first two weeks of school.

We look forward to implementing this program that will continue to transform the teaching and learning process at All Saints.

Middle School Introduces 1:1 Device Program

All Saints is pleased to announce that we will transition to a one-to-one device program in the middle school beginning in the 2017-2018 academic year. Students in the program will have access to a Chromebook for their use throughout the school day and at home.

In advance of the new year, 6to & 7to grade parents and students are asked to read and discuss the following program handbook:  One to One Technology Policy Handbook 2017.

What are the next steps?

On Orientation Day, 6to & 7to grade parents and students are asked to visit the Computer Lab and submit the following:

  • Technology Acceptable Use Policy (p. 23)
  • Chromebook Technology Use and Support Fee Form (p. 24/Fee of $125.00 payable to All Saints Catholic School)
  • Chromebook Policy Handbook Form (p. 25)

When will my child receive a Chromebook?

The Chromebooks will be distributed to students during the first two weeks of school after the teachers have reviewed and discussed policies and procedures.

We look forward to implementing this program that will continue to transform the teaching and learning process at All Saints.

60th Anniversary Celebration

Calling All Alums … All Saints Catholic School will be celebrating its 60to Anniversary with two very special events in September 2017.

  • Friday, September 22An Evening Under the Stars in the All Saints courtyard with music, entertainment, food trucks, alumni displays, children’s activities, a photo booth, and more!
  • Saturday, September 23 – 60to Anniversary Mass and Reception – 10:00 AM, All Saints Church

We are trying to get the word out to All Saints alumni to invite them to these special events to connect with old friends and reminisce about their days at All Saints.

  • Facebook – If you are an alumnus of All Saints, please follow our Alumni Facebook page ( and RSVP for our 60to Anniversary events.
  • Alumni Displays – We are looking for photos and other school related items to include in our alumni displays. If you have anything to lend, please contact Janis DeVore at
  • Spread the News – Help us spread the word about All Saints Catholic School’s 60to Anniversary by passing this information on to any All Saints alumni you know!