Alumni Reunion

All Saints Catholic School – Alumni Reunion
Classes of 2000 – 2009
Saturday, May 31, 2025
10:00 AM

All Saints Catholic School is hosting an alumni reunion for the Classes of 2000 – 2009 on Saturday, May 31, 2025.  Activities will begin at 10:00 AM in the All Saints Parish Activities Center, and then continue with an outdoor brunch at Monza in Old Town Manassas (9504 Battle Street) at 12:30 PM. The event will bring together alumni and former teachers, and feature a school tour, slideshow, music, and memorabilia. The cost to attend is $25 per person.

Ven a disfrutar de un sábado con viejos amigos mientras recorres la escuela, recuerdas tus días en Todos los Santos y vuelves a conectarte con tus amigos mientras comes un brunch en Old Town Manassas.

Please RSVP for this event coming soon!

RSVP Alumni Reunion – May 31, 2025

El Comité de Ex-Alumnos de Todos los Santos
Mrs. Annette Lewis, Ms. Debby Kuhn, Mrs. Janis DeVore