5,800 Race for Education Mailers

11to Annual Race for Education

Thank you to all the parents and middle school students who gathered last week to help prep the Carrera por la Educación mailers! Our school mailed over 5800 mailers to all 50 states, as well as Australia, Canada, France, Ghana, Hong Kong, India, Ireland, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, and the United Kingdom. All Saints is worldwide!

Hopefully, many have already started receiving our Race for Education mailers. This year, there is a new way to donate through our online donation link. Please make one donation transaction for all the runners you are sponsoring. Fill in all your information and don’t forget to use the memo box to indicate to which runner and classroom you are donating.

Here is the online link: http://allsaintsvaschool.org/parents/pto/race-for-education

Thank you for your support to make this fundraiser successful!

Marjorie Collins
Race for Education Coordinator