Our Lady of Fatima

Beginning in October, the month devoted to the Holy Rosary, All Saints Catholic School families are once again invited to renew their devotion to Jesus through Mary in a special way. On Friday, October 7th, after being blessed at the school Mass, two statues of Our Lady of Fatima will begin traveling to the homes of our school families for week-long visits.

Families who wish to participate can sign up online at: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F084CAEAB22A02-pilgrim.

While the statue of the Blessed Mother is in the home, families are encouraged to pray together either part of or the entire 5-decade rosary for the intentions of our school as well as for their private intentions. Included with the statue is a DVD of “The Day the Sun Danced”, which presents the message of Fatima entrusted to three peasant children in Portugal in 1917.

To create awareness about the program, the two statues began traveling from classroom to classroom earlier this week. In addition to informing the students of the opportunity to host one of the statues in their home, the teachers are leading the students in praying a novena that will conclude on October 6th, one day prior to the start of the program.

Should you have any questions or would like more information, please contact the rotation coordinator, Mrs. Julie Mantooth (mantooth06@msn.com).

Costumer Needed

We are seeking a parent willing to coordinate the Costuming efforts for our annual Christmas Pageant. Ideally, this person would see themselves in this role for several years in an effort to help create a solid base of costumes and organization for years to come. If costuming & organization is your gift and you would like to share your talent for school shares, please reach out to Mr. Tessier at rtessier@allsaintsva.org.

High School Placement Test: Registration

In the next few months, high schools will host their annual Open House events. At the same time, the following high schools, with the exception of Thomas Jefferson and Seton School, will also send representatives to All Saints to inform the students about their programs.  We hope the following will better assist you in your planning.

Regardless of which high school your child will be attending, every 8th grade student must complete the High School Placement Test Registration Form and return it to Mrs. Slovenkay by Friday, November 18, 2016.

[download id=”791″]

Please check with each school’s website to confirm 2016/17 Open House dates and times.

  • Bishop O’Connell Catholic High School
    Mr. Michael Cresson, Director of Admissions
    703-237-1433     www.bishopoconnell.org
  • Bishop Ireton Catholic High School
    Mr. Peter Hamer, Director of Admissions
    703-751-7606    www.bishopireton.org
  • Paul VI Catholic High School
    Mrs. Eileen Hanley, Assistant Principal of Admissions/Student Life
    703-352-0925 ext.331   www.paulvi.net
  • Escuela Secundaria Papa San Juan Pablo Magno
    Ms. Jennifer Cole, Director of Admissions
    703-445-0300   www.jpthegreat.org
  • Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology*
    571-423-3770       www.tjhsst.edu

Please Note: If you attend any of the Open Houses at the Diocesan Catholic Schools, the admissions director of each school will inform you that your child will need to take the High School Placement Test.  You do not need to apply directly with the high schools to take this test because it is administered in December to our eighth grade students at All Saints.  Please note that this test is given to every eighth grade student who attends the Diocese of Arlington schools.  However, it is very important that you pick up an application form and complete it if you are interested in any of the above- mentioned schools.

*If your son or daughter is interested in attending this school, please contact Mrs. Slovenkay for additional information.


Installation of SCA Officers & Class Reps

Our newly elected officers and class representatives were recently welcomed into the Student Council Association of All Saints Catholic School. Mrs. Jennifer Bigelow, Superintendent of Schools, was the keynote speaker offering insights on the importance of servant leadership and referencing her own experience as Commissioner of Religious Activities while a 7th grader!
We congratulate the following students and wish them every success and blessing as they begin their year of student leadership!


President – Jack Malone
Vice President – Abigail Yelvington
Secretary/Historian – Erin Balagtas
Finance – Timothy Mills
Religious Activities – Lily Feltman
Health/Safety/Ecology – Victoria Bruno
School Spirit – Christina Santiago

Class Representatives: Emma Kate Coleman, John Karcher, Camden Short, Madelyn Woolfrey, Hailey Reddington, Brian Varghese, Sabrina Yap, Arianna Delgado, Sophia Parada, and Peter Tessier

Geometry and Math Lab Added in Middle School

Mr. Conroy introduced two exciting new middle school math initiatives to support learning and implement differentiation strategies. Both offer exciting new opportunities for our students. See the video or refer to the transcript below.

VideoChat: Differentiated Learning in Middle School Math (Geometry)


Video Transcript

Hello, All Saints families and welcome to another week.

I’d like to take a few minutes to share with you a couple of thoughts about differentiation at All Saints which means the ways that we strive to meet the diverse needs of learners in our school this year we are launching two new initiatives in support of our math program.

The first is a new Accelerated Math class and this is for us select group of students in sixth grade who meet the diocesan criteria to study the math curriculum two years ahead of their standard program. This means that the sixth graders will study Pre-Algebra, in seventh grade they will study Algebra 1, and in eighth grade high school Geometry. To accomplish this, we are partnering with an organization called Fuel Education which specializes in online learning so the students in this program are already completing modules independently using Chromebooks within their Advanced Math class under the direction of Mrs. Woolfrey, our Advanced Math teacher.

The second program that we’re adding this year is that of a Math Lab. For a number of years, we’ve had a study hall program for students in sixth grade. We’re going to transition so that these students will now have access to Chromebooks during that period of time and they can work on the accelerated math program, strengthening their math skills and becoming enriched in that area.

These are just a couple of ways that we are strengthening our math program and also implementing differentiation strategies to better address the needs of our students.

Have a wonderful week. May God be praised!

Building a Home in Bánica

All Saints students present a check to Fr. Keith O'Hare in support of the Bánica Mission.What an exciting assembly to round out our first week back at school!

At a special school assembly, we welcomed Arlington Diocesan priest Fr. Keith O’Hare who serves in the Bánica Mission in the Dominican Republic.

In support of our 2015-16 school theme, “Building God’s house in kindness and mercy,” our students raised funds throughout the year in support of the Bánica Mission.

Today they presented a check to Fr. O’Hare for $6,000 which will be used to build a home for a family in Bánica.

As a school community, we give thanks to God for the blessings we’ve received and are able to share with our brothers and sisters in Christ.