FACTS Tuition Assistance Application Deadlines

FACTS Tuition Assistance Applications 2021-2022

The online application for tuition assistance through FACTS Grant & Aid for the upcoming school year is now available. For more information about the diocesan tuition assistance program and the application process, please see the links below.

Diocesan Tuition Assistance Program

Diocesan Tuition Assistance Program – Spanish (Programa Diocesano de Asistencia para Colegiatura)


Should you have any questions about the application process or tuition assistance, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Nancy Weaver, Administrative Assistant, at 703-393-1490 or nweaver@allsaintsva.org.

Yearbook Cover Contest

The Yearbook Committee is hosting the annual Yearbook Cover Contest. The committee is looking for a front and back cover that represents the spirit of All Saints Catholic School and incorporates our theme – All Things Work For Good For Those Who Love God.

If you would like to submit an entry, please make sure it is on two pieces of plain white paper.  The finished size of each page of your design must be no larger than 8 ½ x 11.  Lightly write your name and your teacher’s name on the BACK of each paper.  Please DO NOT sign your name on the front of these papers.

Entries are due to Mrs. Bill no later than Monday, January 25, 2021.  The winning entry will win a free Yearbook and all entries will receive a magnetic bookmark.

If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Bill or Mrs. Cummings.  We look forward to seeing your amazing artwork!

Thanks for your support of #GivingTuesday

With sincere appreciation, we want to thank everyone who made our day of giving such a great success!

Due to the generosity of our All Saints community (current school families, faculty & staff, former parents, alumni and parishioners) we raised $3,826 in our first ever #iGiveCatholic / #GivingTuesday campaign!

All proceeds will help fund curriculum and technology initiatives for our students.

Final Chance to Give
We are just $174 from our goal of raising $4,000 through our #GivingTuesday campaign.

If you would still like to participate, we will be accepting check donations through Monday, December 7. Please send checks through your child’s teacher in an envelope marked “Attn: Mrs. Janis DeVore” or by mailing your donation to All Saints Catholic School, 9294 Stonewall Road, Manassas, VA 20110, Attn: Mrs. Janis DeVore.

Thank you again for your support of our #GivingTuesday efforts!

Formas fáciles de recaudar dinero para Todos los Santos

Through “passive fundraising,” you can support All Saints by using the services of participating businesses that provide funding to our school based on your purchases. See the flyer linked below to find out how you can support All Saints through the Harris Teeter Together in Education Program, AmazonSmiles, Box Tops for Education, and now Shutterfly!

Thanksgiving Food Collection

Saint Teresa of Calcutta reminds us “if you cannot feed one hundred people, then just feed one”.  Although structured differently this year, All Saints Catholic School will once again partner with the Bethany Food Pantry in collecting food items to provide families in need with a Thanksgiving meal. Working closely with the food pantry, we have determined a safe way to collect food items that encourages participation while maintaining the health and safety of our school community.

On Wednesday, November 18 and Thursday, November 19, students may participate in our annual Thanksgiving Food Drive by placing food items in bins that will be located outside during morning arrival in both the front and back carpool areas.  Students who participate all virtually are invited to participate on either of these days and may drop off items on either day, in either location.

In an effort to balance the type of food the pantry is seeking, we have assigned the following grade level items:

  • Kindergarten – 1 5-pound bag of white potatoes
  • 1st Grade – 1 5-pound bag of white potatoes
  • 2nd Grade – 1 5-pound bag of sweet potatoes
  • 3rd Grade – 1 5-pound bag of sweet potatoes
  • 4th Grade – 3 bunches of celery
  • 5th Grade – 2 3-pound bags of onions
  • 6th Grade – 2 3-pound bags of onions
  • 7th Grade – 3 1-pound bags of carrots
  • 8th Grade – 3 1-pound bags of carrots

Thank you for your generosity in ensuring that many families in need
throughout our community enjoy a beautiful Thanksgiving meal.

2020-2021 School Theme Announced

Every year at All Saints we identify a theme that further unifies us as a community by providing a shared focus and source of inspiration for our students, faculty & staff.  I am pleased to announce that our theme for 2020-2021 will be All Things Work for Good for Those Who Love God. (Romans 8:28)

This scriptural reference seems particularly relevant during this unprecedented time as we work together to provide the best formation possible for our students.  Although the path forward may sometimes be clouded by uncertainty, we hold firm to our faith and the knowledge that everything occurs in accordance with God’s providence.  Despite the many changes in routines and procedures that will surround the opening of the new year, the core mission of our school remains unchanged, that of instilling in our students a love for God and for one another.

Announcing … All Saints Virtual Art Show

We are so excited to announce that Miss Galanides, All Saints Art Teacher, is organizing a Virtual Art Show for All Saints students!

Students may submit their artwork to the All Saints Virtual Art Show through Artsonia and can upload as many pieces of art as they choose. This is an exciting way for students to share the artwork that they have been creating while at home.

To submit artwork, please do the following:

  1. To get started, download the Artsonia 6.0 app in the Apple or Android app store, select the “Students” option, then type the Access Code FDSM-BSKN. You can view a short tutorial video on using the app at artsonia.com/videos/studentapp.
  2. If you don’t have a mobile compatible device, you can simply visit artsonia.com/class/access.asp. To register for the All Saints page, please enter the Access Code FDSM-BSKN.
  3. Once you are on the All Saints class page, you will be able to add your child’s name and parent email to the roster.
  4. Student usernames and artwork will be private until the child’s parent or guardian gives permission for it to be viewed publicly.

We will be sending out a link to the Virtual Art Show on June 2, 2020, so everyone can enjoy the creative works of our student community! See the Virtual Art Show Flyer below for more information. If you have any questions, please email Miss Galanides at lgalanides@allsaintsva.org,

All Saints Virtual Art Show Flyer