Almuerzo de Acción de Gracias

One of our cherished traditions at All Saints is the annual Thanksgiving Luncheon, a special meal prepared by the kitchen staff for students, parents, faculty & staff.  In an effort to accommodate all of the families who attend and to reduce wait time, we will again be hosting four lunch seatings this year.  The schedule for the Thanksgiving Luncheon is as follows:

11:00-11:40     Grades 6-8
11:40-12:20     Grades 4-5
12:20-1:00       Grades 2-3
1:00-1:40         Grades K-1

The arrival process will be the same as prior years with parents reporting directly to their son/daughter’s classroom.  There, they will wait with their children, and when called by grade level, report to the cafeteria via the Father Kelley Wing.

So that the kitchen staff may begin planning for the event, please be sure to return your Thanksgiving Luncheon Order Form no later than Thursday, November 17to.  We do hope that you will join us for this Thanksgiving tradition!