Newsletter Correction: PTO & School Safety Meeting – Tuesday, October 7th (7:00 p.m.)

Dear Parents & Guardians,

The next General Assembly Meeting of the PTO will take place on Tuesday, October 7th beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Activities Center, not tomorrow evening as announced in last week’s newsletter.  I apologize for any inconvenience or confusion this may have caused.

An overview of our school response plan, designed in coordination with community partners, will be presented.  As this meeting will provide essential information for parents regarding our emergency response plan, at least one parent from each family should plan to attend.  Please note:  Students may not attend this meeting as this session is designed specifically for parents.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the office.


Kind regards,

David E. Conroy, Jr.


Special Message from the Principal: Cafeteria Software

September 3, 2014


Dear Parents & Guardians,

At the close of the summer we experienced a server failure which impacted our school network.  Although systems and operations have been restored, repair of the cafeteria program remains a work in progress.  Our technology team is currently working with the company from which we purchased the software to restore the program.  During this interim period, all transactions in the cafeteria are being recorded manually and will be entered into the system once it is fully restored.

For this reason, please be aware of the following:

Any payments submitted electronically for the cafeteria should be reflected online through the PayforIt system.  However, daily transactions in the form of cash or checks related to cafeteria purchases will not be reflected until our system is restored.  If you would like to verify purchases made to date, please contact the cafeteria staff who can provide you with this information.

Thank you for your patience as we work to resolve this issue.  Again, should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the cafeteria.

Kind regards,

David E. Conroy, Jr.


School Directory – Contact Information Due Friday

September 2, 2014


Dear Parents & Guardians,

All parents are reminded to confirm their subscription to the weekly school newsletter and to provide contact information to be included in the 2014-2015 Family Directory. The deadline for submitting information for the Directory is Friday, September 5th.

To complete this process, please select one of the links below by which new families can submit their information and returning families may either confirm or update their contact information.


1) Visit

2) Enter the primary email to be used for the directory listing.

3) Select “School Directory Listing” from the dropdown box.

4) Enter contact and student information.

4) Select the “Subscribe Now” button to confirm entry.

5) When you receive a confirmation email to confirm the listing, follow the steps in the email. If you do not receive the confirmation email, please check your spam folders. You can also add to your contacts or white list to insure the emails are not redirected to your spam folders.

6) If you make an error, you can visit and enter the primary email to edit your listing.


1) Visit

2) Enter the primary email used last year for the directory listing and submit. This will generate a confirmation email which will provide information for confirming or updating your directory listing.

3) Review the “Additional Data” section. Select “No Changes for 2014/2015” if all contact information is correct (student information will be edited when directory data is verified by office staff) or “Returning Family w/ 2014/2015 Changes” if you make changes to the listing.

4) Select “Save Profile” to confirm the listing.

Should you have any questions about the process, please do not hesitate contact the front office at 703-368-4400.

Kind regards,

David E. Conroy, Jr.